Dear Friends,
Rejoice with us over the faithfulness of God to answer the countless prayers of many to provide a “Home Away from Home” for international outreach in Columbus, GA. Our hearts are full of gratitude and rejoicing over the beautiful property God is giving IFM to develop for future ministry and outreach. His timing and provision have been perfect! We are so thankful for each one of you whose heart the Lord touched to help make this vision a reality.
As you remember, it was in answer to the call of God that we began International Friendship Ministries in 1996. We felt the Lord longed for His children to reach out to the thousands of wonderful people He was bringing to Columbus from around the world—primarily through two international training groups at Ft. Benning.
For over 3 decades, military leaders from hundreds of different countries have come to
Ft. Benning, and God amazingly has opened doors for IFM to befriend them. Many local Christian families have opened their hearts and their homes to these international families.
There is story after story of individuals who came and found a personal relationship with Christ, influencing their children after to do the same.
The Lord has blessed not only our access to international military families but also hundreds of local families from other countries, establishing a network of friendships touching many cultures and language groups in our area.
While Bible study has always been the central and most important part of our outreach, the Lord has also blessed the other Christ-centered programs we offer to connect hearts and build friendships—such as our Friendship Partner program, English classes, art, dance, drama and music classes, summer camps, weekly youth activities, and annual family retreats.
The time has Come For this long-awaited vision to open a ministry center to be the “home base” and Hospitality Center for internationals. GOD IS SO FAITHFUL!

The Lord has led IFM to purchase the building & property from Hilton Avenue Community Church as the site for our new ministry center!
The International Friendship Center will be a place of hospitality, creativity, and friendship connections. Because of your generosity and prayers, $1 million has been raised towards the purchase. THANK YOU!
As we prepare to move in and open the doors, we are still counting on you!
Volunteer Opportunities
Prayer Team
Moving Team
Renovation Team
Painting Team
Decorating Team
Sewing Team
Gardening Team
Library Team
Contact us to get involved.
(706) 653-0097 or
Giving Opportunities
Praise God, $1 Million has been raised in gifts and pledges!
$100,000 left towards building purchase